Category: Linux

Vim Folding ( Marker Method )

Hi, today i’ll be talking about folding for vim. Folding is to fold codes from line to line to have a better view on codes. today i will be demonstrating marker fold method for...

Color Schemes ( Vim )

$ #ls -l /usr/share/vim*/colors To set it permanently go to ~/.vimrc, set color default

MysqlDump without locking Tables

# dumping data without lock table mysqldump -u[USER] -p[PASS] –skip-lock-tables –single-transaction –flush-logs –hex-blob –master-data=2 –max_allowed_packet=1G globe_sdp > globe_sdp_v2.sql

Linux Looping Command Line

while (true); do date; ps -eaf | grep httpd | wc -l; sleep 1; echo -e “\e[3A\r”; done; So let me explain the code above So basically its looping a bunch of code ,...

Aws CLI credentials and configuration settings (Keys)

Aws CLI credentials and configuration settings (Keys)

For AWS CLI credentials , there are different ways that aws cli will find for credentials. Based on this link, There are 6 ways in total for now, who knows future there will be...



Hi, Today i am gonna talk about how to use SDK provided by aws (PHP). For aws SDK, they support few kind of languages such as Php, Android, IOS , Java, Python. For all...