Casting string to bigint for MSSQL & MYSQL
MYSQL Row_number usage and example
Imagine data as below:- category_id item_name 1 Item A1 1 Item A2 1 Item A2 2 Item B1 2 Item B1 2 Item B2 3 Item C1 3 Item C2 In this query: Now, let’s see the result of executing this modified query on our sample data: category_id item_name displayOrder 1 Item A1 1 1 […]
XAMPP DB Crash fix
It is possible, I found out a solution: Install new xampp Copy your old database folder from xampp\mysql\data\databasefolder to Paste in your running xampp folder C:\xampp\mysql\data After that stop mysql and apache service then backup your running xampp files ib_logfile0,ib_logfile1 and ibdata1 and store in safe place Then Copy same file (ib_logfile0,ib_logfile1 and ibdata1) from […]