Year: 2017

javascript Php

Javascript redirection with post value (PHP)

fn_do_submit_post($url,$arr_post); function fn_do_submit_post($posting_url, $arr_post){ echo “<form action=’$posting_url’ method=’post’ name=’frm’>”; foreach ($arr_post as $a => $b){ echo “<input type=’hidden’ name='”.htmlentities($a).”‘ value='”.htmlentities($b).”‘>”; } echo “</form>”; echo “<script type=’text/javascript’>”; echo “document.frm.submit();”; echo “</script>”; }


Linux Looping Command Line

while (true); do date; ps -eaf | grep httpd | wc -l; sleep 1; echo -e “\e[3A\r”; done; So let me explain the code above So basically its looping a bunch of code , and this script is to grep total count of httpd worker and printing it over and over every second. So what […]

Linux Nginx

How to Prevent Web Attack: Jorgee Vulnerability Scanner

Recently i’ve added a few method of blocking some ip and user agent for my server. For my server , i am using nginx as my web server. What is Jorgee Vulnerability Scanner?Here are some example of Jorgee Vulnerability Scanner. – – [11/Sep/2017:22:02:10 +0000] “HEAD HTTP/1.1” 404 0 “-” “Mozilla/5.0 Jorgee” – […]

Aws Linux Php


Hi, Today i am gonna talk about how to use SDK provided by aws (PHP). For aws SDK, they support few kind of languages such as Php, Android, IOS , Java, Python. For all the available language for sdk , Click Here You will have to import aws sdk files there are three kind of […]

Linux MySQL

Server & Sql Monitoring (PMM-Server)

Hi, i’ve recently created a pmm-server ( monitoring system for server & mysql ). A pmm-server act as a server and client can connect to pmm-server to look on their information by using the command pmm-admin. For more info Click in this link Setup SMTP server For this example you can refer to […]

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