Year: 2018

CSS Email html

EDM – Electronic Direct Mail

Hi i’ve recently start doing some research on EDM. Different platform ( Desktop App , Mobile App, Web Mail ) for different product (Gmail , Yahoo , AOL….) will have different can & can’t do things. To have a clearer view of what i meant , you can check out this link Since most […]


Mysql Procedure creation

Procedure Creation Example MariaDB [stress]> DELIMITER ;; MariaDB [stress]> CREATE PROCEDURE ABC() -> BEGIN -> WHILE 1 -> DO -> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM stresstable; -> DO SLEEP(1); -> END WHILE; -> END;; MariaDB [stress]> DELIMITER ; MariaDB [stress]> CALL ABC(); Procedure Listing $ SHOW PROCEDURE STATUS; OR $ SELECT ROUTINE_SCHEMA,ROUTINE_NAME FROM information_schema.routines where routine_type = […]

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